Hi, my name is Andrea Vouk (He/His) and I’m a professional software developer based in Italy.
I’m self-taught through books and the internet, my interests range from sysadmin/SRE/virtualization stuff to cloud development and Kubernetes.
Also, big fan of Apache Kafka, Proxmox and distributed systems in general (hopefully, more blog posts coming in the future).
These days, I mainly code in TypeScript and Python3, but I’m also proficient in Java, C# (.NET 6+), Bash and, of course, classic old school C99.
A much more detailed listing about technologies used can be found on my LinkedIn page, for those interested.
I’m open to collaborations and interesting new job opportunities.
Feel free to contact me (see contacts page)
- This website’s source code is under GPLv3
- All the articles and text are under CC BY-SA 4.0 unless stated otherwise.
- Brand’s icons (e.g. GitHub’s logo, etc.) are under their respective licenses.
Website info
The source code for this website is publicly available here: https://github.com/anvouk/andreavouk.com.
- Netlify is used as hosting provider.
- CloudFlare is used as domain registrar, caching and spam protection (all cookies have been disabled).
Technologies Used
- Astro is used for building the website.
- Astro plugins for RSS feeds and sitemap.
- Bootstrap for styles.
- Bootstrap Icons is used mainly for brand’s icons.
- TypeScript because we all know how JavaScript can be painful.